Braces for Teenager – A Comprehensive Guide

Updated: 20 May 24


Braces for Teenager

Braces for teenager are nothing different. Since it is a tricky age, a teenager is picky and choosy regarding fashion and appearance. They are super conscious about their look. Hence, they don’t settle for anything less.

Braces are best at the age of 8 or 9 when a kid hasn’t developed a sense of looks and fashion. Teenage is a crucial time when it comes to braces.

Since you all know that braces are a standard solution for correcting misaligned teeth, they improve both oral health and self-confidence. 

Let’s see various options, costs, and considerations for braces for a teenager.

Types of Braces for Teenager

A teenager in this era has several options when it comes to braces. Traditional metal braces, clear braces, and Invisalign are popular choices. Each type has its benefits and considerations.

Traditional Metal Braces

Traditional metal braces are everywhere. The best thing about them is that they are a super affordable option. They are highly effective for treating normal to severe misalignment. 

Metal braces are no longer the same. They have come a long way in terms of comfort and appearance. It makes them a viable choice for many teenagers.

Clear Braces for Teenager

Clear Braces for Teenager

Clear braces function similarly to metal braces. They are made of clear or tooth-colored materials that blend easily with your teeth. The best thing about them is that they are less noticeable.

Those who are conscious especially introverts, can go for them. Clear braces are the best option if you want the effectiveness of traditional braces without the prominent metal appearance.

Invisalign vs. Braces for Teenager

Are you unhappy with the traditional braces and want a more discrete option? Invisalign can work for you in this case as it uses clear, removable aligners to straighten teeth gradually. 

Advantages of Invisalign

– Invisalign aligners are invisible.

– The aligners are made of smooth plastic which means no irritation to the gums and cheeks.

– They are removable, allowing easy eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing.

Disadvantages of Invisalign

– It requires 20 – 22 hours per day for effective treatment.

– They might not be suitable for severe orthodontic problems.

When considering Invisalign vs. braces for a teenager, you must consult with an orthodontist to determine the suitable option based on your dental needs and lifestyle.

Cost of Braces for Teenager

Invisalign vs. Braces for Teenager

The cost of braces, whether for teenagers or adults, can vary. 

On average, metal braces are $3,000 – $7,000. Clear braces are $4,000 – $8,000. Invisalign is $4,000 – $7,400

Braces for Teenager Near Me

Go to Google and search for an experienced and reputable orthodontist. 

Here are some tips to help you find braces for a teenager near me, 

– Speak to your family dentist, friends, or family for recommendations.

– Check online reviews.

– Consult with a few orthodontists to discuss treatment options, costs, and payment plans. 


We understand that a teenager is a critical age, and your teenager will throw tantrums when choosing the type of braces. It is ok! There is nothing more important than their oral health.

Whether opting for traditional metal braces, clear braces, or Invisalign, always keep in mind that every individual is different. Listen to their needs.

Understand the options and costs involved and find a trusted orthodontist to help get braces for your teenager.


Is it worth getting braces at 15?

Braces are effective and work well at any age. The right age to get braces is when an individual is at an early age. After milk teeth are gone, adult teeth will still be malleable, and when the jaws and facial bones still have growth potential.

How long does a 15-year-old have to wear braces?

The treatment of braces lasts between 12 to 17 months, but always remember that each individual is different so it all depends on the case.

Is 14 too old for braces?

Teeth don’t have the capability to grow just like nails and hair, so there’s no age limit for braces.

They can be fixed at any time from 14 to 41. If you are an adult, don’t worry; you can still get them now.

Are braces painful?

Braces are not painful at all. You will feel minor discomfort only. Some individuals feel pain while the mouth adjusts with braces, and they describe it as a sore or achy jaw. 

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Jamal Hussain

Jamal Hussain

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